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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 4, 2012 8:00am-10:00am EDT

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good morning everyone. i'm terrell brown. ne. i'm rebecca jarvis. here are a few of the stories we'll be looking at on "cbs this morning," saturday. at the london olympics, americans show their power in the water leaving a legacy and greater hopes for the future. now attention turns to the and pure speed. a mixed jobs report. more jobs are added than expected. but the unemployment rate ticks higher. both presidential campaigns look for a political edge in the numbers. a young man's last wish to leave an awesome tip. now that wish has gone viral and his family is spreading the wealth. the chosen one's waiting tables
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can't believe his good fortune ziefrnl we go deep to the vault for edward r. murrow's icon marilyn monroe. >> i was modeling, men's magazine covers, such as, i don't know, squint -- all those. >> all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday." >> all that and so much more on "cbs this morning saturday." august 4, 2012. captioning funded by cbs your sips of coffee, terrell. >> got to get warmed up. it's going to be a big show. >> happy saturday morning. thanks for joining us. we begin with the olympic games in london. today the competition begins the shift from water to land, from swimming and rowing to track and field. and here's where the overall medal count stands as of now. the u.s. leads in both total
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medals with 43 and in gold with 21. china is close behind with 42 total and 20 gold. russia moved into third place with 23 total and three gold and to london and mark phillips who joins us with a look at so much more. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca, terrell. just as the stars set, the new ones rise. the swimming is winding down. all countries not named usa might be breathing a sigh of relief. the pool, 28 medals so far. the next highest is china is 9. there were four golds last night, the u.s. took three of them. michael phelps says this is his last olympics and he's going out in style. the 100-meter butterfly is the second to last event. why shouldn't it be another gold, his 17th. 21 medals overall now. he's got one more event. a freestyle the u.s. is expected
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to win. it all seems to be harder on his mother than it is on him. and u.s. swimming success seems secure in the hands of the upcoming generation. 17-year-old missy franklin took another gold in the 200-meter backstroke. her third. her dominance in the pool is now an established fact. but the olympics create new facts all the time. this is 15-year-old katiely deck i. that she made the tomb was a surprise. that she swam away from the rest of the field in the 800-meter freestyle was a revelation. >> it was neat to swim after missy and michael. their wins really pumped me up. when i walked into the ready room, michael gave me a high five and wished me good luck. that meant a lot to me. >> the main stage shifts from poolside to trackside. sanya richards-ross won her heat in the 400-meter.
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and tur nesh di baba won in the 10,000 meters and barely seemed to be breathing hard. >> winning with a smile. the presumption is that michael phelps will be smiling again tonight after his last olympian race in the relay. the record he broke here stood for 48 years and who knows how long it will be if it's ever broken, if it ever is. >> a number of tremendous stories coming out of this olympic games, mark. i want to ask you about oscar pistorius with the artificial limbs. spoiler alert for those who have yet to see it. how did he fare? >> he did really well. he ran his heat in the 400-meter this morning. he finished second in heat. he hoped -- his goal was to make it into the semis. now he's done it. it's a really terrific story. >> it is a terrific story. mark phillips in london. thanks so much. so it's been quite a week for team usa.
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the gold medals piling up and hopefully more to come. let's go back to london now for more on the american's success in the pool and what's happening on the track today. shawn gregory is there, senior writer for "time" magazine. shawn, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> track and field off and running now. we saw oscar pistorius winning second in the heat. does he have a chance of winning a medal. >> he doesn't. there's been a divide in the community about whether his prosthetics give him an advantage or disadvantage. just to see him inspire has been unbelievable. >> 17 golds and counting for michael phelps. his last event that he'll be competing in is coming up later on today. we'll probably see it tonight. what are we going to see from michael phelps? is he going to retire after this event? >> he is going to retire. you get the sense that he's satisfied. he wanted to pass -- break the record for most olympic medals
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of all-time. he's got that. they're going to win tonight most likely. it will be a nice ending. i'd be shocked if he comes back at this point. >> we've got another american swimmer, her career is just getting started. talking about 15-year-old katie la deck i. the young he's at the games. she's making history. is u.s. swim swimming going tore okay after michael phelps. you've got missy franklin. with those two coming in, is u.s. swimming going to be okay? >> definitely. i mean katie came out of nowhere. missy franklin has been solid, she's been great. she's dedicated her medals to her hometown of aurora. she's been a great story. this nice kind of -- on both sides, you have phelps coming out, easing his way out. the young up and comers coming in. it will be strong in rio going forward. >> the finals coming up later on today, the match throwing scandal this week. is there any fallout still from
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that? >> the match scandal, it's interesting. nfl teams tank games all the time to get draft position, playoff position. they rest guys. these kind of things happen. the problem with badminton. they're very bad actors. they were smashing the birdie into the net. it's not that offensive. they have to cover it up better. like the colts, for years used to finish 13-0, 14-0 and rest peyton manning. they need advice from the nfl. >> more action to come from london. shawn gregory, thank you so much. we turn now to events a bit closer to home. tropical storm ernesto is churning across the caribbean threatening jamaica and haiti. it's expected to reach hurricane strength by monday. so for more on that, we turn to cbs news hurricane consultant dave bernard at cbs station wfor in miami. it's great to have you with us, dave. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. here's the satellite picture of
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the storm. it's certainly grown in size from what we saw yesterday. where you see the blues and purples, those are more intense thunderstorms. so indeed, it looks like ernesto is beginning to strengthen. in fact, the winds have increased overnight. they're now 60 miles per hour. this is about 690 miles east, southeast of jamaica moving to the west at 18 miles per hour. the future track brings ernesto potentially to a category 1 hurricane by tomorrow night or early monday morning, very close to jamaica. certainly bad conditions are possible there. in looking ahead, as we go into tuesday, wednesday and thursday of next week, notice that is when there's the possibility this storm could be entering the gulf of mexico. it's just too early to say what, if any, impacts this could have on the united states coastline. certainly, if you have plans or cruises going into the western caribbean sea, around cancun or cozumel, there could be a hurricane threat there in the
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next 72 hours in the mid part of next week. here's the wind impact. this is the highest threat potential for winds over the next five days. the highest threat is where you see the red. a lot of it over the open water. the cayman islands, jamaica and haiti could have tropical storm force conditions. this will be a storm that we definitely want to keep a close eye on. rebecca and terrell, back to you. >> dave bernard in miami. pthanks, dave. we'll keep an eye on that throughout the weekend and monday. now to the most pressing issue in this election year. in the latest jobs report, 163,000 jobs were added in the july. that's the most since february. it didn't help the unemployment rate which ticked up to 8.3% much the jobless rate has been stuck above 8% for 42 consecutive months and 3.5 years. >> the candidates wasted no time putting their special spin on the numbers. >> the official unemployment number 8.3%. that's the longest period of
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time, 42 months, the longest period of time we've had unemployment above 8% in american history. since this has been recorded. this is an extraordinary record of failure. >> we haven't had to come back from an economic crisis this deep or this painful since the 1930s. but we also knew that if we were persistent, if we kept at it, and kept working, that we'd gradually get to where we need to be. >> and joining us now is jack otter, he's executive editor for cbs "moneywatch".com. it is great as always to have you with us. >> thanks. great to be here. >> they wasted no time making this political, jack. >> he jumped right on it. >> it's amazing how to parse the numbers. the unemployment numbers was above 8.2%. it went up to 8.254. that means you round it up to 8.3. >> rounding error. >> they made three months of sluggish hiring but the most
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jobs created since february. is this a new trend? >> we can always hope so. the market was expecting 100,000. since the market moves on expectations more than the reality, we got 163, we saw a great rally. that doesn't mean it's great news. this is better than worse. but it's tepid job growth. not nearly what we need to get out of the great recession. >> just to keep up with population growth, you need 150,000 jobs a month. for those people who are long-term unemployed, the 5.2 million, 40% of the population who has been unemployed for more than six months, what can they expect down the road? >> well, it has ticked down slightly. last month it was 5.4% for those long-term unemployed. but this could be the worst legacy of the recession. because the longer you're out of work, the harder it is to get a new job. it can actually affect more than one generation and it's possible that many of these people literally will never enter the workforce again. they'll retire early.
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>> nearly 90% of the big cities in this country, you've got universities there. kids are graduating from school. also included in that unemployment rate. is this -- >> certainly for now. by some estimates, 50% of recent graduates are unemployed or employed in a job that doesn't require a degree. so it's bad. i would say, however, that at that age, at that job level, things can move quickly. took me a long time to get my first job. >> look where you are now. >> been employed since. but it's true that things do move quickly. so they need to keep at it. and the one crucial thing is no one should be discouraged from getting a college degree. when you look at the bigger picture of all ages, the unemployment rate among college graduates, 4.2%. full employment, there is no crisis. the entire jobs crisis is with people who lack a college degree. >> a discussion about education. jack otter thanks for joining
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us. >> glad to be hear. mitt romney is in indiana but he'll hit the road on a bus tour next week on key battleground states. his campaign admits he has a likability problem and hopes the trip turns it around. there are some topics that he's not talking about. joining us now from washington is major garrett, white house correspondent for the national journal. it's great to have you with us, major. good morning. >> good morning. what is romney's strategy. don't touch the money and the religion topics, the dressage, his wife's horse competing in the olympics, or is it better to actually address those things in this campaign? >> i'm back in washington. i spent two days earlier this week in boston with all the top romney advisers and three days in chicago with the obama advisers. there's one thing they agree on. probably only one thing. that mitt romney has a problem connecting with middle class americans. many of them believe he is a potential turn around specialist. if you look at the polling data, both campaigns agree mitt romney has an edge over the president,
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who might make the better decisions for the future for the u.s. economy. voters are still holding back, at least the undecided ones. both campaigns agree, one reason they're holding back is they're not sure they want to follow where mitt romney is telling them he wants to lead them. he's not sure who he is. the romney campaign will spend next week and the week after that, leading up to the republican convention in tampa to tell more about who he is, what motivates him. why he would not only be an effective leader but great for the middle class. you'll see it on almost every document to bring home the message that not only is he good for the economy generally but for the middle class. that's terrain that so far the obama campaign tried to dominate. how much do we know in general when we elect candidates about their personal lives and back story versus their policy measures an does that generally win out over whatever we expect them to do while they're in
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office? >> voters want both. they want specific, policy positions, evaluate themselves. they also want a story, narrative. who are you? how does your story relate to my american story? the romney campaign knows that on that side of the ledger, my story, how it relates to your american story, there's a gap. one said that it's not that mitt romney is rich, he's been too rich for too long. they believe that's become an embedded perception for some undecided voters. they've got to find a way to more directly humanize mitt romney and make his story more connected and more likeable to the average voter. >> all right. major garrett, we appreciate it. of course, we'll be following the bus tour throughout next week on "cbs this morning." thanks very much. to space now. nasa gearing up for what's being called seven minutes of terror. that's how long it will take the mars rover curiosity to get from space to the surface of mars on monday morning. it's one of the most complicated
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landings ever. curiosity will hit the atmosphere traveling at 13,000 miles per hour. a heat shield will protect it. and a giant parachute will help slow it down. then rockets kick in, getting the rover to within 20 feet of the surface in what's called a sky crane that gently lowers it to the surface. it all has to work perfectly. that's why everyone is concerned about the risk at nasa. let's talk to the senior scientist at the exploratorium in san francisco. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> it's called seven minutes of terror. i just went through it. does this sound crazy to you? >> it sounds crazy but boy it's hard to land on mars. you need to think crazy to get there safely. >> a scale of one to ten what are the chances that this thing works? >> i think it's in the 9s. those engineers at jpl are really good. >> landing on mars has been a tricky thing. 70% of the missions that landed on mars have failed. that's both the u.s. and with russia as well.
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what are the factors that complicate this? >> the atmosphere of mars is thick enough to heat your spacecraft and melt it on the way in if you don't slow down in the right way. it's thin enough that it's hard to slow down. it's a delicate balance between slowing down fast enough and not slowing down at all. that's what takes this incredibly complicated heat shield parachute rocket sky crane maneuver. >> not to mention, this is something that scientists won't be seeing in real time. there's going to be a delay. why? >> well, it takes 14 minutes at this point for light to get from mars to earth. radio signals too. so this lander will be on the surface of mars in one piece or many for seven minutes before the signal gets back to earth to tell us that it's successful or not. >> we've had missions like this before. what makes this one different in. >> well, this one, it's the size of a smart car in terms of weight. it's one ton on earth with 165 pounds, about a person's worth
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of science instruments and the last missions were much smaller. they had like 20 pounds of science instruments for the rovers that we know so well. >> if this mission is a success, we look a little bit more long-term. what do we expect to find out, what are we looking for? >> looking for the answer to one of the most important questions that humanity has asked. that is, is there life on other worlds. this is just one step in nasa's well-planned procedures to find out if there's been life on other worlds. this one is looking for the habitats for life on mars. could life exist there now or has it ever existed there? >> itching with anticipation. we'll have to find out. >> paul thank you so much. >> thank you. there is new tension in the middle east this morning following iran's claim of a successful missile test. iran says it was a new version of its short-range ballistic missile which can hit a target up to 185 miles away. that is not enough for the weapon to reach israel. but it does pose a more serious
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threat to iran's immediate neighbors and those along the persian gulf. winds that have been fanning wildfires in oklahoma are expected to diminish today giving firefighters some much-needed help. dozens of homes and buildings in four counties north and south of oklahoma city were destroyed. hundreds of people were forced to evacuate. there are no reported injuries. the fire may have been set deliberately. president obama turns 51 years old today. he got an early birthday present while campaigning on thursday in orlando. >> happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> president returns to the white house tomorrow. in the meantime, it is party at camp david. >> it's party right here. we do it right here. >> uh-huh. >> it's about 19 minutes past the hour. john elliott w cbs is in for lonnie quinn and has the first check of the weather. >> party by the way.
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>> by the way, the president shares his birthday with billy bob thornton who played the president in what film? >> billy bob thornton? played the president? >> yeah, yeah. let's talk about your weather. we are concerned about strong storms. you can see it right there. northern plains pushing into the upper great lakes and parts of the mid-mississippi valley and even the ohio valley could be dealing with strong to potentially severe storms. that is one of the hallmarks of your weather today. lots of instability in the atmosphere and lots of heat in the southern states and out west as welcoming up a little later. we'll talk about the heat we can't beat. that is a quick look at the national forecast. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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love actually. that was the movie that billy bob played the president. we actually love rebecca and terrell. i'll send it back to you guys. >> we love you too. even though you ask us brain busters. no idea. an amazing discovery in the mountains of afghanistan. after more than a decade of war, a couple of extremely rare snow leopards have been found and for the first time ever fitted with satellite collars. as john bentley tells us, the animal is fighting its own war against extinction. >> these are new images of some of the most reclusive animals in the world. snow leopards. the first time snow leopard cubs have ever been filmed in their den. these cubs were weighed and tagged so researchers can learn more about these endangered animals. >> we always say maybe there's 100 snow leopards left in afghanistan but we don't know. >> david lawson is the leader of
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the wildlife conservation society in afghanistan. the population of snow leopards dropped by 20% over the past 16 years. >> i'm going to put a microchip. >> he hopes by tagging and tracking the adults, they can learn more about them and help the people of afghanistan at the same time. >> if a snow leopard environment is healthy, the environment is healthy. the people will also be healthy. they'll have good livelihoods. >> snow leopards live in one of the most isolated areas of earth. that's why this species has been mostly unbothered. but the 30 years of war that ravaged afghanistan. there are other threats to the national animal. poachers and an illegal cat trade still pose a big problem. it's estimated there are less than 8,000 left worldwide. so it is up to conservationists like these to help reverse that trend. >> oxygen. quickly, quickly. >> within hours the tranquilizer
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that fell this cat will wear off and he'll return to the wild. in a country brought by decades of violence, snow leopards are rising again. for "cbs this morning saturday," this is john bentley in kabul, afghanistan. >> beautiful animals. >> beautiful footage. incredible footage. we're going to be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own.
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if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. my father's hands didn't build this company. my hands didn't build this company. through hard work and a little bit of luck, we built this business. why are you demonizing us for it? it's time we had somebody who believes in us. someone who believes that achievement should be rewarded not punished. we need somebody who believes in america. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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she's the new "it" girl of the olympics. you'll see a lot of gabby douglas. advertisers are lining up to sign her up. >> and think about this. 80% of medical bills container roars. so you could be overpaying an not know it. we found a company that finds the mistakes and save you money. >> here's a question. do you sleep like a soldier or starfish? your sleeping position, first of all, we'll explain what they are. it says a lot about you. whether on your back, your stomach. >> i can't wait to talk about this. >> i'm interested in the person who studied this and understands what it all amounts to. we're going to get to that
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looks lycra lee, north carolina, struggling to make a little sunshine. we're working on it. welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." >> i'm terrell brown. olympic gold medalist gabby douglas. when she became the first african-american gymnast ever to win the all-around. she did more than strike gold. she became an instant media empire. just hours after striking gold in thursday's all-around women's competition, 16-year-old gabby douglas became a familiar face on the front covers of newspapers across the country. even at the gym in virginia beach, virginia where douglas trained until two years ago, everyone is caught up in the frenzy. >> we're seeing her as an
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olympian. that's what people know her as. i see her like gabby, my friend. >> that friend is already on the cover of kelloggs corn flakes. the first of many likely endorsement deals for douglas. just the fourth american to win the gold in the women's all-around competition. back in 1984, mary lou rhett ton became the first to claim that honor landing on the cover of wheaties. olympic athletes have been cashing in for decades. whether dorothy hamill on the ice or mark spitz who became a poster boy and spokesperson after winning seven gold medals at the olympics in the '70s. it was projected that michael phelps who became the most decorated medalist in the history of the olympic games will earn -- the challenge for douglas, making star power and earning potential last. for america's newest sweetheart the greatest legacy is being felt just hours after her gold medal triumph.
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>> she has inspired a whole generation of young african-americans to say, you know what, i can do this too. i mean, i get -- >> the question here, how does a young person like gabby douglas control her media empire? >> ed horn is here, the chief operating officer of madison avenue sports and entertainment. >> good morning. >> what does gabby do right now? what's the best way of looking at these opportunities? >> it really starts for her with having a group around her, advisers, her family. she's lucky that she has a good group. the opportunities are going to be significant. they're going to be coming fast and they really need to have a filter to figure out what are the right opportunities, wa are the wrong opportunities and how do they handle it. >> this was a young person that lived in relative obscurity a few weeks ago. now her life is totally changed. when we talk about earnings potential, what are we talking about here? >> it's amazing. when you think about what she's done and accomplished over a short period of time, you know, there's all kinds of numbers that could be thrown out. i think the most important thing is that it's handled properly.
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she makes sure that she defines her brand and then you move from there. >> i'm curious. if you were to pick a number, what would you say? >> in the short term, i can't imagine it isn't well into the seven figures over the next four years. depending on where she goes. 1 to $3 million is not a number that anybody should think is unrealistic. >> which brands should she be associated with right now? >> you got to imagine, the obvious ones are brands that appeal to girls, moms with children, those who take advantage of who she is. she's wholesome, attractive, articulate. she's a ball of energy. those are the types of brands that you've got to imagine would be the most appropriate for her to consider. >> is there any risk of overexposu overexposure. >> there always is. that's the challenge as was referenced in your piece. how much is too much? there are lots of short term opportunities. the opportunity now is how do you balance that to build for the long-term and sustain revenue, not just in a year or two years or four years but over decades. >> one of the things that i love about gabby douglas, you see
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her, when she smiles you start to smile. when she laughs, you start to laugh a little bit. she's a marketer's dream. should she strike now while the iron is hot? >> she has to strike now. the opportunities are going to be there for her, but at the same time, as i said, she needs to strike now, but she also needs to look at this in the long-term as well. will she be back for real? what are the opportunities not just with brands but content, television shows, other appearances that will get her outside of the gymnast world to make her a celebrity in the long-term. >> what kinds of products should she avoid? >> i think anything that is inconsistent with who she is. she's still a young girl. so products that put her in a place you wouldn't expect to see her. i think those are the things that sometimes people make mistakes. the opportunity is going to be significant for her. she doesn't have to look hard for the right opportunities. >> what is it that makes her stand out so much. you know, >> when you look at the olympics, we love to see heroes and champions. but in her case, what you also
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see is somebody who comes from humble beginnings, had to really struggle, perseverance, determination, all those values which a corporate marketer looks for. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. here's john elliott of w cbs tv in new york with another check of the weather. john is just getting into place. we're taking our time. >> stare aimlessly around as he moves. >> it's a big studio, isn't it? >> it's easy to get disoriented. >> it's massive. you know what else is massive, a big area of high pressure causing hot weather headaches. we are still sizzling, boy, from st. louis to tulsa, into austin, we have heat advisories, heat warnings, the real feel numbers. the bottom line. it feels like 100 to 110. high pressure also bringing heat to unusual places, into parts of the pacific big area of high p. the one place to be to escape the heat is in the northern plains where we have beautiful
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conditions, low dew points and comfortable numbers. lot of folks still struggling with the heat, though, today throughout the weekend. that's a quick look at the nation's forecast. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. happy national mustard day and happy accidents. silly putty accidentally invented on this day in 1943. right now, we'll bounce things back to rebecca. >> ever since, people have been happy playing with their putty. all right. here's a question. do you double-check your medical bill? well, you should. because chances are it has a mistake and we're going to tell you how to catch the error and save a lot of money. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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a party? [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge!
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[ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes. for strong, healthy hair with life, new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. ♪guitar for strong, healthy hair w[phone ringing] hi. oh there you are. hey are ya? daddy,look! you lost another tooth. [man thinking] don't grow up without me. oh,uh riley wants to say hi. riley... hey buddy...keep 'em safe. [announcer] we know how important your dog is. so help keep him strong and healthy with the total care nutrition... in purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family.
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we miss you. [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] whether it's showing competitors' rates or striving to be number one, we're always up for a little competition. zap! [ sparking ] now, that's progressive.
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medical costs are a huge strain for millions of americans pushing many into bankruptcy. but according to a health care advocacy group, 80% of medical bills contain errors. that if corrected could save you a lot of money. fortunate fortunately, there are companies that help patients find those mistakes and fix them. noreen conley is a journalism teacher diagnosed with cancer in january of 2009. her dream was to go to the inauguration with some students, but instead watched the president being sworn into office on tv. a month later, she had a mastectomy. >> i recovered from the surgery very easily. when i started the chemo, that's when things really hit me that this was for real. yeah. but i had a lot of support. >> you know -- it was one aspect of her treatment that connolly didn't have support, paying her
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medical bills. >> the more paper i got, the more panicy and depressed i got. i felt incompetent really. that made me feel worse. i finally, you know, i mean i stopped opening the envelopes. >> this is one i got last year. >> that didn't stop the bills from coming. in the end, she reports owing between $15,000 and $20,000. that's when she was introduced to a company called med claims liaison. and its founder, nancy kay. the company was created to help patients like noreen sift through their medical bills and ultimately reduce their payments. >> she came to my house and we sat down, i brought out the box. >> she said it happens a lot. >> in fact, 20% of insurance claims were misprocessed last year. according to the american medical association. >> when 20% are wrong, that causes a financial problem for physicians, for patients and the
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overall health system. if you imagine that your credit card bill was wrong 20% of the time each month, you'd go crazy. >> dr. robert wa is the chairman of the board of trustees of the ama. he says billions are wasted each year on misprocessed claims. >> there's no specific bad guy. but it's very complex and it requires a lot of time and energy. it requires being relentless. >> in noreen's case, being relentless meant combing through paperwork, getting the insurance companies to pay more. and negotiating with the hospitals to get noreen's bills lowered. >> there are two places where we can get the money back. one is from the hospitals where a patient has either paid or been billed and then the other area is from the insurance companies who have denied coverage on an initial appeal. most have experience in the
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industry and no ways of negotiating payments that the average patient wouldn't. med claims specializes in cancer, autism, addiction and fertility. >> we focus on these areas because these are conditions that have a lot of insurance complexity. and high out-of-pocket expenses. >> med claims then takes a cut of the money it saves. >> on average, within four months we've recovered $10,000 back for our customers. it's a service that pays for itself quickly. >> i wish that the money spent on those companies could in fact, be spent on health care. that delivers better care for my patients. >> but for noreen connolly, med claims was about more than the $10,000 it saved her. >> most of that's in the past. >> it was about peace of mind. >> i wanted to pull the sheets up over my head, not know anything about this. and she basically took my hand
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and said, we can do this. and did it. >> so you can work with a company like med claims, you can also do this on your own, terrell. if someone is out there saying i don't know if i can afford something like med claims. they take a portion of whatever proceeds you get back. but also for those who think they might want to try it on their own, they can. you have to be attentive to detail, go through literally every single piece of mail that you get from the hospital from your insurance provider and go back. there's the ability to have that conversation with your doctors and the insurance company. >> that's really what this company does is go through with a fine tooth comb and look at everything sm. >> absolutely everything. >> that's great. coming up next, we're asking the question. do you sleep on your side? well, it could mean that you're shy. easygoing. or even cynical. we'll tell you about the sleep positions and how they reveal your personality. i'm listening as well. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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so do you want to learn more about your partner? you don't have to go through their phone, their text messages, e-mails. all you have do is take a close look at how they sleep. new study says a person's sleeping position reveals a lot about their true personality. >> researchers say there are six fundamental positions, fetal, yearner, log, soldier, starfish and free fall. joining us now is janet kennedy. she's a licensed clinical psychologist who created ncy
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sleep doctor, a comprehensive resource for sleep solutions. great to have you with us. >> good morning. >> how did you sleep? >> i'm a side sleeper. i go between the fetal and the -- not really the soldier. mostly fetal. >> fetal is the most popular. >> most people sleep on their sides. it does say something about your personality. but it's the healthest sleep position because it preserves the back alignment. you're less likely to wake up with aches and pains. >> i sleep in the fetal or fetus position. what does that say about me, about my personality? >> the study says that you might be sensitive and shy. >> uh-huh. >> all right. >> yearner -- i got to move on from that. >> him and shy. i don't know. >> i was thinking that myself. >> sensitive maybe. log and yearner? >> the yearner is more open. if you think about a person with
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their arms out. they're more open to what others say. a log is -- it's hard to imagine sleeping on my side with my arms at my side. similar to other side sleepers. >> next one is the soldier. what does that say? >> the soldier, they say you're quiet and reserved. again, i'm not so sure. quiet and reserved with also high standards. that may apply. >> i also sleep like a starfish. >> that's another back position. starfish, they tend to make good friends and be social. what's important to understand about sleeping on your back is that it's not necessarily the healthiest position for sleeping. because it tends to lead to snoring and also sleep apnea if you tend to have sleep apnea. it makes it worse. >> i think i know a little bit about that. a little bit it's one of those things you have to deal with.
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free fall is the next one. what's that about? >> sleeping on your stomach. that's actually the worst position for adults. you see children happily sleeping on their stomachs. they have more neck flexibility. it's easy for them to be comfortable on their bellies and move their head from side to side. we tend to lose that flexibility as we get older. we have to contort ourselves to be comfortable and breathe on our stomachs. that can lead to pain in the neck and the lower back as well. >> how do they come up with the personality types based on your sleeping position? which changes, by the way, throughout the night. >> 11 to 13 times a night. you know, i do kind of wonder about the study and what sort of personality test he was giving. i wasn't able to find that in the methodology of the study. as a scientist, i kind of wondered a little bit. it's a jumping off point. they can do more studies and see if this hold out. >> it seems like a great way to use this information in argument with your partner. >> exactly.
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>> you're brash because you sleep on your face. >> exactly. coming up next, a white lion's cub new bff. that story behind the headlines in "cbs this morning saturday" comes right back. [ female announcer ] great taste is always in style with lean cuisine steam bags. get our crispiest carrots and our snappiest peas all freshly steamed in just minutes. steam bags from lean cuisine. be culinary chic. are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty.
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gas-x is designed to relieve gas. call it 'mother's intuition' but somehow i knew that these bright pink sperry top-siders were the right choice for my daughter.
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daughter + friend: *screamsá (in her head) nailed it. how'd you know mom? the styles they really really, really want for back to school are here. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. time for a look behind the headlines at a few stories you might have missed this week. first one, strangers pay lifeguard's rescue bill. how much does it cost to save someone's life? apparently $2600. that is how much the hospital charged 17-year-old john clark. he was off duty last month when he rescued a 12-year-old boy from a rip tide and as a precaution clark was taken to the e.r. for tests. his parents didn't have the money. but two good samaritans stepped forward to pay the bill.
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>> been a tough summer for lifeguards. >> really tough. billionaire creating jurassic park. really, what could go wrong here? >> turn the light off. >> there's that, of course. but australian billionaire clyde palmer is willing to take that chance. he wants to build a die know park and apparently he enjoys tempting fate and wants to build the titanic 2. interesting. lion cub makes friend with dog. 3-week-old joe joe was born in a zoo in germany but was rejected by his mother. how dare she. he and a playful mutt are inseparable. while workers hand feed jo jo, la john provides the needed affection. >> i see an identity crisis coming on. >> you have to see a shrink about that stuff. later, it could happen to you.
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>> so you promise if your ticket came in, you would split it with her? >> that's right. as a tip. [ female announcer ] the coffee house. the lines, the cost, the hassle. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. i know what it's like to hire people and to make ends meet. from those experiences, i had the chance of running the olympics. the games were in real trouble. there'd been way too much spending. and in massachusetts i found a budget that was badly out of balance. our legislature was 85% democrat. and every one of the four years i was governor, we balanced the budget. i want to use those experiences to help americans have a better future. we believe in our future. we believe in ourselves. we believe the greatest days of america are ahead. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. i'm mitt romney hi thwhoaa! chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. that's great!
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday," i'm rebecca jarvis. good to see you. i'm terrell brown. coming up, paying it forward. the family of a man who passed away fulfills his last request. we'll talk to them and a waitress who was shocked to receive a more than generous tip. >> then we open the vault for a rare interview with marilyn monroe and talk to an expert who believed her death was not an accidental suicide. and airlines, boy oh, boy back up to their old tricks again. tacking on the fees. this time preferred seats. peter greenberg is here on advice how to get the seats without paying more. syrian rebels clashed again
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with government troops today in aleppo, the country's largest city. the fighting took place around aleppo's main radio and tv station and a rebel commander says the syrian military plans a major new offensive. it's having a terrible impact on civilians as charlie d'agata reports from inside syria. >> syria's brutal war has torn the country apart family by family. ahmed buried his younger brother on monday. two days later, he buried another. god willing, he said, i will see them in heaven. between them, they left five young children behind to be raised by the family. in syria, dying has become a way of life. >> it's impossible to know how many people have died in this conflict. but what is certain is many more will. and in this town, they've already started digging out graves in advance. the cycle of violence seems to
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have become unstoppable. when i asked ahmed whether he wanted revenge. he told us, that is up to god. but something happened after his brother's funeral that changed his mind. we learned that the rebels had captured one of the men they believed had killed ahmed's brother. ahmed, showed me the place where he had taken one look at the accused man and shot him dead on the spot. he said, i just heard my brother's voice telling me to kill him. he told me his mind just went blank. now he's ready to go back to the fight in aleppo. god willing, i will continue fighting, never stop. and there are many more men just like him. for "cbs this morning saturday," i'm charlie d'agata in aleppo province, syria. south africa's oscar pistorius did it today. he became the first double amputee to compete in track at the olympics.
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pistorius runs on carbon fiber blades. he earned a spot in the semifinals tomorrow night. here's a look at the medal count. the u.s. 44 total. china 43 and 20. russia, 24 and 3. and host country britain is coming on strong with 24 total medals, including 10 gold. in the ongoing penn state scandal, the late joe paterno's -- the family's lawyer told the league yesterday it will appeal the sanctions imposed on penn state's football program and paterno's legacy. the ncaa responded right away saying the penalties are not subject to appeal. an iceberg alert for ships. you may recall that a giant iceberg the size of manhattan island broke off a glacier in greenland. it's been drifting south and as early as today it could enter a narrow strait between greenland and canada getting too close to the shipping lanes. that is not a good thing.
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how do you get away from the iceberg. >> quickly. >> like the titanic. >> we know what happens when ships meet icebergs. >> they're in for the movie rights now. >> we have a lot of heat to deal with in the states. also the potential of, one of the by products of that heat, some stormy weather. down through parts of iowa and into south dakota and membnebra. trailing front, all of that hot and humid air adding to the instability. we'll be watching that and a lot of heat even up into the pacific northwest. plenty to deal with today. both coasts looking pretty bright. but it is hot for much of the country. that's a quick look at the national forecast. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. >>
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. this weather segment sponsored by hershey's. hershey's makes it a shmore. you make it special. the coast guard founded on this day in 1790 as part of the marine cutter service. happy birthday to you and thank you for the heroic deeds you do. that's it for me. now back to terrell and rebecca. >> thanks, john. a kentucky man's last wish is an internet sensation. aaron collins died on july 7th, three weeks after his 30th birthday. he left an odd request in his will. aaron wanted his family to leave an awesome tip for a waiter or waitress. not like 10 or 20 bucks. i mean awesome like $500. only problem, his family didn't have the cash. >> he put awesome in quotation marks. they created a website. with the help of strangers, raised more than $50,000 and
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videos of his family granting his wish handing out the tips have gotten more than 2 million hits on you-tube. joining us now are aaron's brother and mother, seth and tina collins and the waitress who received the first of many amazing tips, sara ward. welcome. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> thanks for being with all of us. >> thanks for having us. >> seth, did it surprise you? >> the whole thing surprised me. especially the reaction that we've gt en from around the world. that's incredible. >> you were carrying out your brother's last wish. what made him decide to do this, why a tip. >> he always liked to take his friends out for dinner, pay for dinner. leave a nice tip. especially if he thought the waitress was stressed out over something. i think he just wanted to do it even bigger. that's why he put it in the will. >> tina, this sounds like typical aaron, wanting to do something like this. >> it certainly does. and always wanting to make his mark on the world. he wanted to leave the world a
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better place than when he found it. i don't know if it was intuition or inspiration or what. i knew he was going to do it. i told him many, many times, aaron, someday you're going to do something so amazing that everybody going to say aaron collins did that? when he's lying on his deathbed and i realized he wasn't going to wake up, i was shocked. i thought, i lied to my son. but then all this started taking place. i bent over him really closely and i said, aaron, remember what i always told you, well, this is it, baby. we're going to make it happen for you. >> sara was the first recipient of that awesome tipment take me back to that day. what were you thinking when you got that money? >> i was really busy and asked can i get you anything else. he tells me this story. so i'm torn between being excited about the money and then thinking of their loss. so i don't know if i should be thankful or if i should help
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them grieve. so i'm torn between two situations. >> seth, i'm sure there were a lot of people who are feeling similar emotions to sara's as they watch this story. so many views on you-tube. more than $50,000 given out like this. >> right. >> we've got over $54,000 now. that's 108 already that we know we'll be able to give. that's fantastic. we'll be able to change so many people's lives. >> sara, this was $500. what did you do with that money? >> well, i tipped out all five people working that day 50 bucks. i left with $250 and i had birthday party plans. one of my friends couldn't go. i helped her go. the rest went to bills and rent. >> a lot of paying it forward. >> tina, how long would you like to continue doing this and how will you choose the restaurants? >> seth always chooses the restaurants. i don't do that. we'll continue to do it as long
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as the good people who are giving the money will keep doing that for us. >> it's an incredible story. >> aaron will be remembered for it. >> that's right. >> thank you. >> coming up next, we open the cbs news vault for a rare interview with screen legend marilyn monroe on the 50th anniversary of her death. >> when i was modeling in men's magazine covers, such as, i don't know, squint, pick a peep. [ laughter ] >> but not the ladies home journal? >> oh, marilyn. >> she has no idea what she's doing. >> of course not. >> "cbs this morning saturday." how does it feel to try smooth, delicious hershey's chocolate with 30% less fat? new hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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but what about your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula visibly reduces wrinkles in one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®.
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boost your training routine with an avocado kick. it's a game changer. [ male announcer ] so is the tasty turkey avocado. tender turkey breast and smooth avocado on freshly baked 9 grain wheat bread. just sounds good doesn't it?
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i'm lapping it up. [ male announcer ] try it in the ultimate veggie. fresh veggies with super foods spinach and avocado. gimme some of that! now that's an ultimate veggie. subway. the official training restaurant of robert griffin the third. nastia liukin. apolo ohno and athletes everywhere. this morning, we're going deep into the cbs vault to
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remember marilyn monroe. she died 50 years ago tomorrow. and seven years before that, in april of 1955, she appeared on the cbs news show person to person with the legendary journalist edward r. murrow. >> at the time she was staying with photographer milton green and his wife amy at their home in connecticut. all three spoke with murrow in front of a crackling fire. >> your picture has been on the cover of almost all popular magazines, hasn't it? >> no, not the ladies home journal. >> that you would like, why? >> i used to long for it. i used to appear on -- when i was modeling on men's magazines, cover, such as, i don't know, squint, pick a peep. [ laughter ] >> but not the ladies home journal? >> no. >> amy, tell me does marilyn know her way around the kitchen?
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is she very much help around the house? >> yes, she is. she's an ideal guest much she's not trouble to anyone. and she picks up after herself and she's just fine. you don't even know she's around. >> does she make her own bed? >> yes she does. she helps me with the baby to bathe him, feed him. >> has she ever come in handy as a pbaby-sitter? >> on a number of occasions. >> christmas eve and new year's eve. >> would it be fair to say that you got rather tired of playing the same kind of roles all-time and wanted to try something different? >> well, it's not that i objected doing musicals or comedy. in fact, i rather enjoy it. but i would like to do dramatic parts, too. >> marilyn, what's the best part you ever had in a movie? >> one of the best parts i've
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ever had was in the jungle, john houston's picture. and then seven year itch with tony wilder. >> you think that's going to be a big one, too, don't you? >> pardon? >> you think that's going to be a big one, don't you, the seven-year itch? >> yes, i think it's going to be a big picture. i would like to continue making this picture. >> what's the smallest part you ever had? >> i'm in a picture called tomahawk. had one word. not exactly a word. i said, mm. >> who helped you most in your movie career, marilyn? >> well, a number of people have contributed greatly. i think when john huston wanted me for the part in asphalt
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jungle and i think when billy wilder wanted me for the part in seven-year itch. i think that was very important. also working with my coach. she's helped me very much from the very beginning. and i also got a great deal from attending classes with michael check off. >> now that you're a new yorker, how do you like this city anyway? >> i love it. everyone is very friendly. and it's a very optimistic city. >> how do you like connecticut? >> i like it. it's the first time i had ever seen the woods. i love to walk in the woods with the dog. i enjoy it. >> are you always recognized wherever you go in the nearby towns and in new york? >> no. not really. i can put on a coat and no
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makeup and get along pretty well. >> yeah. i love when we crack open the vault and see these. you see a different side. >> absolutely. they're talking about baby-sitting the kids. i know that with marilyn monroe, one of her wishes as well was to have children. to see her talking about it was pretty amazing. >> we're going to talk about what happened next. joining us now is jim bakker. he's an expert on marilyn monroe sneemt he's the author of a new book entitled the -- about the death of screen icon marilyn monroe. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's been 50 years. we're still talking about the rumors surrounding her death. >> right. >> was it a murder, did she commit suicide? >> right. >> what have you been able to find? >> we've been able to find a lot of contradictory information. the fact of the matter is, we can't say for sure what has happened here. but there are enormous number of mysteries that persist. conflicting testimonies, missing evidence, it goes on and on and
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on. all of that stuff sort of leads to the fact that this remains one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th century. >> what specifically happened the night she died? what do we mow? >> well, there's a lot -- again x you can't quite get to the bottom of any of it. the baseline is she was living in a house that she had probably bought about six months before in brentwood, california. she was living with a live-in house keeper. eunice said that around midnight of that night, 50 years ago tonight, she found, she went into the hall and saw light under marilyn's door. got concerned about that and knocked on the door. got no answer. called her psychotherapist. the psychotherapist got into the bedroom by breaking the window. found her dead on the floor. i'm sorry, on the bed with the phone in her hand. and this was at 12:30 at night. but they did not call the cops until four hours later. >> so all of those events don't
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quite line up. what's the storyline with that? what's the issue with that storyline? >> first of all, the next day they changed the time frame. it went from 12:30 to 3:00 a.m. it's an enormous number of other people, peter lawford, joe dimaggio jr.'s son that contradicts that central thesis. that was the first version by eunice murray. >> your thesis is she was murdered? >> not exactly. it's that she could have been been murdered. >> how -- >> i hate to be speculative. you can't get too far in the landscape without running into the name kennedy. i think there's absolutely no doubt at all that kennedy brothers were having sexual relations with marilyn monroe. >> multiple brothers? >> yes. >> bobby, the attorney general, jfk, the president of the united states, they sort of handed her
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off to each other. i don't see how anyone can say that did not happen. >> could it have just been really shady, not completely thorough police work? you know what, maybe marilyn monroe, she really did commit suicide and the right investigation didn't take place afterward. >> she could have committed suicide, sure. however, the big thing that argues against that was the amount of drugs that were found in her bloodstream. in order to have the level of drugs that she had in her bloodstream, she would have had to have taken at least 50 sleeping pills in an incredibly short period of time. in order to get to that. in addition to that, there was no water glass found in her locked bedroom. and there was no water in her locked bedroom. how does that happen? >> the mystery continues. >> jim backer, thanks so much. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." honey! i think i'm getting burned! heh!
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eat. ♪ tastes pretty good, huh? ♪ best yogurt ever. yeah! [ men grunting ] open! [ male announcer ] dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2 to 1 in a national taste test. oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. for over 10 years now,. i've been representing the colonial penn life insurance company. hi, alex. hi, everyone.
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i thought it'd be interesting to hear from you what your customers say are some of the things they like best about colonial penn's whole life insurance. who's gonna start? well, it's guaranteed acceptance for people over age 50. they don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. and it gives them peace of mind knowing that their family has some insurance to help cover funeral costs. and other final expenses. great point, and that's something everybody needs to plan for, especially in this economy. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's an affordable way to provide protection for loved ones. yes, and that rate never goes up. and their coverage never goes down because of their age. they can get permanent insurance at a price that fits into their budget. alex: do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you should call colonial penn now. for just $9.95 a month per unit, you can get quality insurance that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate will never increase and your coverage will never decrease.
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that's guaranteed. they're waiting to hear from you, so call now. ♪ american airlines and price joined forces. the companies inked a deal letting price line sell american
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airlines preferred seats. >> this is a big deal for consume consumers. it's also another attempt by american to bypass other more costly online travel agents and peter greenberg is here to explain how this new system works. peter, fantastic to have you with us. break it down. >> it's one more opportunity for the airline to raise additional revenue. it's another distribution channel for them. but it gets to the definition of terms of what is really a preferred seat. >> which is what i was about to ask. what is a preferred seat? delta has economy comfort. is it all the same thing? >> every airline is different, every definition is different. sometimes they'll define a preferred seat by how close it is to the front. a middle seat near the front is a preferred seat sometimes. >> maybe if you can get off the plane first. at least more than the people way in back. >> you have a differential between $9 and $30 to buy the quote-unquote preferred seats. if you go on the seating charts
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of the airlines shl, that's whee shock value comes in. >> are airlines forcing consumers to purchase the preferred seats and holding back available seating? >> you've answered the question. they're doing both. they're leading you to buy the preferred seats by holding back other seats. the key here is, it's not what you're seeing on the chart. it's what the airlines are holding back. 16 to 25% of seats that they will hold back until 25 hours before the flight leaves. you'll see not a lot of available seats if you book early. >> what's the cheapest way? >> 23 hours and 59 minutes before the actual departure time of your flight go online. you'll be surprised that suddenly some of the seats start appearing. >> people know airlines for the hidden fees. i've joked around and said that airlines will charge for the air that we breathe after a while. why are they charging so much peter for everything? >> because they can and we're stupid enough to pay it and the
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second reason is taxes. airline tickets are taxed at a huge premium in terms of taxes from the federal government. if you built on the end of the fee, you pay the tax. if you take it out of the airline fare and charge as a separate fee, it's sales tax. the airlines make more money that way, by paying less taxes. you asked about what they're doing next. listen to this. the airlines, we just did a survey that said that 10% of the people would pay additional money, at least $10 to get off the plane first when it lands. how bad is your flight? how bad is your flight? >> i'm one of them, peter. >> how bad is your flight you want to pay $10 to get off it. some people actually pay more. >> the only reason i get on a plane is to get off that plane, peter greenberg. >> time to get off it. >> coming up, the dog days of summer. some great ideas on how to keep your four-legged friends nice and comfortable in the extreme heat. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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welcome back to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> good morning everybody. i'm terrell brown. coming up, this is the new truth about lying. turned out, lying to yourself can be good for you. we'll have that surprising story coming up. >> keep lying to yourself, terrell. plus, now that the dog days of summer are here, advice on how to keep your favorite canine cool and comfortable. >> what are you getting at there? >> nothing. just ignore it. >> big sigh. hope of simply ming. he'll talk about how his degree in mechanical engineering helps him out in the kitchen. he's busy over there. >> terrell is a teller of truth
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to everyone. >> i just want you to know. >> it is all covered up. but first we head over to john elliott, another truth teller for a final check of the weather. >> thank you, rebecca and keep lying to yourself, terrell. you know what, no lying. it has already been a long hot summer, that's part of the problem. we have a liep of storms along a cold front pushing through parts of the upper great lakes. pop-up storms possible ohio valley into parts of the northeast, the southeast and monsoon moisture out west as well. now, focusing our attention on the tropics. and ernesto. 60 mile an hour wind. where is it headed? it's headed west. we could see it reach hurricane status by monday morning. of course, we'll be watching that as we work our way through the weekend. that is a quick look at the nation's forecast and beyond. now here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> lonnie is away. but there's still time to play. time for a shoutout and it goes to ind know la, iowa and their national balloon classic. it is one of the most beautiful and colorful festivals in the country. do you know you can always take a ride. thanks to everyone watching on "cbs this morning saturday" only on kcci newschannel 8, 30% chance much storms. keep it there on channel 8 and they'll take care of you. right now i'm done. we'll toss things back to terrell and rebecca. >> taking care of business john elliott. thank you. sometimes the truth can hurt or at the very least be uncomfortable. >> sorry. it's my mom. i think she's probably checking on the date. it won't take me long. hello. yes, i'm with him right now. no, not very attractive. no doesn't make much money.
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it's all right, though. seems nice. kind of funny. a bit fat. has a funny little snub nose. kind of like a frog and a facial. no, i won't be sleeping with him tonight. probably not even a kiss. >> maybe a little white lie would help. researchers say another type of lying can have positive benefits. lying to yourself. >> a new study found we can convince ourselves we're more talented than we are. is this what you were getting at earlier in. >> yes. >> weave the co-author of happy money, the science of smarter spending and associate professor of business administration. need more hieg lying in studio. you've done a lot of work on
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self-perception. >> we generally find that it's okay to fool yourself a little bit. we often think if you fool yourself at all, it's a bad thing to do. but if you tell little lies to yourself, in the short term it can make you feel smarter and better and all the things we like to feel. but in the longer term, it can really backfire. >> the thing is when i lie to myself, i know that i'm lying. how do you make yourself believe that you're lying when you're lying? >> we forget. really quickly. if you're really motivated to think something about yourself, even if in the moment you think i'm going to tell myself a little bit of a lie, we can show a little while later, even though you knew it at the time, you completely forgot approximate it. you pleefd that wbelieved that along. >> there's interesting science going on in the brain versus lying and telling the truth. >> that's right. we show in our studies, if you're cheating on a test for example, you would think you would know you're cheating on the test. you wrote the answers in your hand and peeking at them.
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you would think you'd be aware that you're cheating. instead, our brain tricks ourselves into thinking basically, i peaked at the answer to get that question right. but i kind of knew it all along anyway so i'm kind of a genius. >> would you say from research that people have an inflated sense of self. honestly, if somebody can look at their hand with literally cheats ton and think they're telling the truth, then doesn't everybody have a different sense of who they are. >> not everyone does but most do. there's a funny study that showed they blended people's faces with pictures of attractive people. you had to find which one you were in the array. it was really hard to do. people think that the person they are is someone who is a little bit blended with a really attractive person. we actually literally see even our faces at more attractive than everyone else sees us. >> you're saying a lot of this is good. i'm thinking this could be bad. somebody commits a crime, they convince themselves that they
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did not do what they actually did. what are we talking about here? >> that can happen for sure. another place it can backfire is in relationships. >> you're in a bad relationship. you convince yourself to stay in it. i don't know anything about that, by the way. >> or you can even think about convincing yourself that you're a great person but it's not easy to be married to that person. who thinks they're better than they are. >> i luckily don't have that problem in my marriage. what are other applications of these theories. where have you seen them utilized in daily routine. >> one funny study that was done, if you look at the time it was men and women who are married, asking them to estimate what percent of the housework they did. their estimates add up to more than 100%. everybody thinks they're doing more than half of the housework. >> which of that group thinks they're doing more. >> everyone is inaccurate. but it is true that men overestimate more than women. >> i'm glad we settled that argument.
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michael morton, thank you. appreciate it. when you're hot, you crank up the ac. what about your four-legged best friend. justin silver, host of dogs in the city, has tips on how to keep your pooch cool during the summer's extreme heat. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." maybe you can be there; maybe you can't. when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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it is probably hot. speaking of which, we have seen record breaking heat and drought conditions across most of the country this summer. now that the dog days of summer are here, it could get worse. >> yes. that is why justin silver is here. he's a professional dog trainer and host of cbs' dogs in the city. he has important advice on keeping your dog cool and safe and he has along with him pecan. depending what part of the country you're from. >> this is pecan available for adoption from north shore animal league. >> she's adorable. >> she's a cutie. i assume she's going home pretty soon. >> what is the best temperature for her indoors over the summer? >> the important thing i tell people is just be aware of how hot your house is. you have to be aware, obviously, of your air conditioning bill, your electricity bill. so use your judgment. if you walk back into the house, like oh, my god, it's an oven in here, be aware of that.
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they'll be comfortable at pretty much whatever you're at. >> what is the telltale sign that something is wrong when you're walking your dog. >> i own a dog care company. dog walking is a huge component of our company. i tell the walkers and dog owners to be aware of taking short walks, making sure you have plenty of water, keeping the dogs on the shady side of street. if dogs pant excessively, drooling, lethargic, those are the telltale sign that they're suffering from heat exhaustion. >> if you see that happening to your pet, what do you do? >> get them hydrated, get them in the cool quickly. they have to go to the vet immediately if they're really suffering. preventative measures go a long way. they cool themselves through the pads of their feet. throwing water on the floor to splash their paws on the water and getting them off that scalding cement is important. >> is this a different between a dog's age. do you see it as they get older, the different breeds. >> just like people, overweight
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dogs and older dogs will be more susceptible to the heat. also dogs that have snub noses, the pugs, bulldogs have narrower airways, it's hard to cool themselves as well. >> how about haircuts and things like that. do you want to keep it short? >> does it matter? >> the dogs who get their haircuts should get puppy cuts. longer hair dogs, golden retrievers, chow chows, those breeds' hair serves as an insulator and keeps them cooler. if it's a dog that normally gets a haircut, get them a haircut. >> not all dogs are as fortunate as her to be in here right now in the a kr. >> she's lucky. it's freezing in here and we're both happy about it. >> there are some dogs that are outside. they stay outside. what about those dogs? >> they are very susceptible to sunburn just like us. it's important that there is some tree shade and if there
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isn't in your backyard, there has to be some sort of structure to get out of the heat. make sure they have access to plenty of water. make sure the water is in the shade rather than water in the heat. >> great information. justin silver, thank you. >> thank you so much for having me. >> if you'd like to adopt this cutie, pecan, go online to north shore animal league at animal there are plenty of little doggies like pecan as well. >> coming up next, the key of asian cuisine. ming sigh will talk about how a degree in mechanical engineering led to the kitchen. dug breast with blueberry gin sauce. yummy. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." [ female announcer ] the coffee house.
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so, we got through the appetizer without the baby-sitter calling. i hope she's okay. girl: i think she likes it! try the $20 dinner for two, at chili's.
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this morning on the dish, east meets west. celebrity chef ming sai is credited with bringing asian style food to the masses. he's host of the popular show simply ming. >> it's like his show, it will hit stores in a couple months. he's brought duck breast with blueberry gin sauce and couscous. >> great to be here. >> you loved our opening music. >> that was awesome. i play that all the time in the shower. >> fundamentally a question here. a lot of folks of course, love chicken. i'm know -- i love chicken too. when you're comparing chicken and duck in terms of texture and taste, what's the difference? >> duck tastes more like meat.
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like beef. it's got a nice meaty flavor to it. i love it because i'm a big wine fan as well. for pinot noir, it's fantastic. this one, in particular i love because it's summertime with blueberries. we have a bombay sapphire east gin. i love cooking with alcohol. cooking with gin or vodka, the italians use it for the pastament this one i love because it has thailand and jeet vietnamese. you can taste that in the blueberry sauce. >> it is delicious. there's a lot of depth of flavor. you can taste a lot of flavors coming together. you also have, i see shrimp here. >> the shrimp, there's a classic chinese dish called drunken shrimp. it's actually live shrimp they put in -- an alcoholic chinese liqueur. we took shrimp into the gin to give it ten minutes. it's a quick marinate.
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quickly walk, stir it. be careful, there's shells. when you eat it, you'll taste the background of the shrimp. >> i was about to put the whole thing in my mouth. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. >> you talk about blue a lot. blue is a big color with you. what is it about blue? the restaurant has blue in the title. recipe does. >> the mundane reason, it's my favorite color. but i did go to andover and yale and blue could notes water. my wife and i are believers in feng shui. having water associated with my restaurant helps the business. i'm actually opening a new restaurant in 2013 called blue dragon. because it's year of the dragon now. it's year of the water dragon. so blue is perfect. >> you went to yale for mechanical engineering and cornell for hospitality management.
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how did you go from that world to the world of this? >> you know, it was simple. i say this all the time. i was, still am and will always be hungry. i learn as a kid, if i hung out in the kitchen, my grandparents and my parents would throw me scraps. i loved the flame, the smoke, the action, the knives, all that stuff. i was sharpening cleavers with my grandfather. they were making fun of me when i was a kid. once baseball is over, is that cake? a dollar a slice. >> you were a businessman from an early stage. >> absolutely. have to be. >> you brought a choice drink with you as well. >> this is called yuzu. it's a fantastic citrus from japan. that with the bombay gin and little soda and ginger syrup, very light. >> totally refreshing. >> it is. it's got that edge on it as well. >> you didn't forget dessert. >> of course not. this is a lemongrass pan cotta.
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it's got fresh strawberries. all you do with strawberries, for a dessert, take a little bit of sugar, a little bit of lemon juice and it makes its own sauce. >> i love that. because it's not too sweet but has a great flavor to it. >> i hate too sweet. you had a huge meal and eat something so sweet, it doesn't sit right. light is the way to go for dessert. >> where do your inspirations come from? where do you come up with these things? >> three sources. eating other people's food, especially -- >> i'm really good at that. >> the best though, is authentic food. that's street food. in people's homes. restaurants are great. you can go to to restaurants but that food is already inspired. i like to take inspiration from base foods, read a lot and tv. i never thought of that. why not? let's try that. >> is there one person on tv that you love? >> oh, god. >> besides you two? >> good answer. we'll let you go with that one.
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julia child and emeril because he put us on the map >> if you could have a meal with anybody, who would it be? and don't say us. >> you know what, i never got to meet james beard. james beard set up american cuisine in this country with julia child. he was a gourmet gore mond. >> one day. >> i might end up down there, we'll see. >> chef, if you'll sign our dish for us. >> absolutely. >> while you're doing that, i want people to know they can go to our website, cbs"cbs this morning" for more information on chef ming and the fabulous dish that he has just prepared for us. >> it is delicious. >> terrell's sign of approval. thank you so much, chef. appreciate it. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." cheers. sometimes, i feel like it's me against my hair. [ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes.
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jeff glor with a look at what's coming up monday on "cbs this morning." on monday we will visit a piece of nuclear history. there's a controversial plan to turn it into a national park. that story and more monday at 7:00 on "cbs this morning." "cbs this morning saturday," remember the kissing couple in times square, one of the most famous photos ever taken celebrates the end of world war ii. correspondent michelle miller takes them back to times square as the anniversary of vj day approaches. you don't want to miss that. >> also before we go, we've got a shoutout to our man who usually brings the shoutouts. congratulations lonnie quinn and to his wife sharon on the birth of their beautiful new baby daughter lily. >> he's smiling. >> that is just adorable. >> 7 pound 12 ounces. >> 7 pounds 12 ounces. she was born last week and she
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has a new big brother nate. we're happy to welcome them. >> lonnie is aex yoo-hoo! mom? i hear you're having a tough day, so i brought you a freshly made sandwich. you made me a sandwich? no, dunkin' did. but i wrote the note. dunkin' bakery sandwiches are freshly made just for you.
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grab a turkey cheddar bacon sandwich today. america runs on dunkin'. i'm bill loveless, sunday on "platts energy week," a new report shows u.s. oil and gas reserves soaring. that's this sunday morning at 8:00 only on wusa9.
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